Comfort in a Silent Sunset

As I was driving to pick up Emily, I glanced in my rear-view mirror. The late afternoon sky was putting on quite the show. The swirl of colors and subtle changes from yellow, orange, and purple delighted my senses. Southern California sunsets in January are always spectacular. The memory of that day comes back. WeContinue reading “Comfort in a Silent Sunset”

Caregiver Truth Discovered On a Boat One Day

Caring for my daughter is the hardest thing I have ever done. Her care is ever-present. Emily does not possess the ability to assist in her care. Every day, I prepare her meals, feed her, dress her, give her medication, and handle her personal hygiene. The moment the last item is checked off the list,Continue reading “Caregiver Truth Discovered On a Boat One Day”

Joyful Celebration With a Side of Worry

I often hear it said that the days go slow, but the years go fast. Those words are hitting me hard today. Emily will be twenty-three this week. I can’t help but reflect on how fast the time has passed. It is hard to believe we have been on this journey for so long. IContinue reading “Joyful Celebration With a Side of Worry”