Fallout After Loss

My Dad passed away when I was a junior in high school. While I was only sixteen, I had the maturity to understand a little about grief and processing emotions. I never thought this shouldn’t have happened, and I did not argue with the reality of the situation. I accepted that life is unpredictable, weContinue reading “Fallout After Loss”

Creativity, Boredom, and Sunday Supper

When did life get so complicated? How can we be connected 24/7 and yet, many of us feel lonely, isolated, or depressed? In this season of winter, I have been reflecting on my childhood. Every generation loves to point out things that have changed since they were young. Usually, it is to highlight how muchContinue reading “Creativity, Boredom, and Sunday Supper”

Comfort in a Silent Sunset

As I was driving to pick up Emily, I glanced in my rear-view mirror. The late afternoon sky was putting on quite the show. The swirl of colors and subtle changes from yellow, orange, and purple delighted my senses. Southern California sunsets in January are always spectacular. The memory of that day comes back. WeContinue reading “Comfort in a Silent Sunset”

Fasten Your Seatbelt, Turbulence Ahead

We got on the road a little later than expected. Preparing everything around the house for the caregiver who would be with Emily for the weekend took time. She had never stayed over with Emily, and then there were the dogs. We had a scheduled grooming for Coco at 9 am and didn’t want toContinue reading “Fasten Your Seatbelt, Turbulence Ahead”

Caregiver Truth Discovered On a Boat One Day

Caring for my daughter is the hardest thing I have ever done. Her care is ever-present. Emily does not possess the ability to assist in her care. Every day, I prepare her meals, feed her, dress her, give her medication, and handle her personal hygiene. The moment the last item is checked off the list,Continue reading “Caregiver Truth Discovered On a Boat One Day”

A Gem Shines Her Light on Others

It was January 2022. I was sitting on a Zoom call and interacting with nine perfect strangers. We were on a Quest led by Bobby Kountz to discover more about ourselves, our purpose, and how we could use our unique gifts to impact the lives of others. Some had a clear vision and purpose andContinue reading “A Gem Shines Her Light on Others”

Take the Wins and the Losses

Isn’t it funny that we all see things differently? We all have our own stories about any situation. As I planned to write about the week in Vegas with Corry, Justin, and Emily, I was filled with joy as I reflected on the trip. There were bumps in the road. Emily was A LOT onContinue reading “Take the Wins and the Losses”

Celebrate Doing Less and Connecting More

Sunday, May 21st was World Meditation Day. I had planned to attend Michael O’Brien’s live class on his Pause Breathe Reflect app. I was looking forward to the meditation. There is something magical about meditating live with others and Michael has created an incredible space and community. The collective energy is indescribable. It is fuelContinue reading “Celebrate Doing Less and Connecting More”

Grief Emerging From a Closet Purge

This weekend Todd is camping, and he even took Ben with him. I cannot believe how much quieter the house is without the young pup following me every minute of the day. Coco is content and thrilled to just be left alone. Enjoying the calm that surrounds her while she sleeps and eats. I amContinue reading “Grief Emerging From a Closet Purge”

Dancing in Disconnect

This past weekend, Todd and I decided to take the family camping for the long weekend. Justin wanted to stay home and have friends over, and he agreed to care for our senior poodle, Coco. We chose our location and planned our meals. I prepared all the things needed to take Emily on a roadContinue reading “Dancing in Disconnect”